Tanya H Tanya H

Project 365 #9


Another week has come and gone, which leads us into March eekkk.  

Monday: My best friends father funeral today; we grew up together, they were our neighbours, it was a very sad day for a lovely man that will be greatly missed.

Tuesday: Jacob's new outfit, with his Nerf guns, and Jake and Finn sword sticking down the back- he loves it, and I think he looks pretty cool as Thor.

Wednesday:  Lewis's birthday today - after school we had family around, and I cooked pulled pork and chilli. It was a good evening and Lewis enjoyed himself.

Thursday: Jacob sitting on Summer's ride-on with a bag on his head.

Friday: We took Lewis and a few of his friends bowling, Jacob joined in and afterwards we went and got McDonalds.

Saturday: Summer loving her Snow White costume, I think she has worn it every day since it arrived - Snow White is her favourite princess.

Sunday: Jacob and Summer lined up their chairs, they sat in them, along with Summer teddies and watched cartoons.

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Tanya H Tanya H

Project 365 #8

Half term week, our week was a bit up and down, the sickness bug went through most of us and we celebrated a birthday. I love having my kids around me, thus I love half term.

Monday - A busy day, I took the kids to Pirate Petes in the afternoon, and then when hubby got home from work we popped round to see my brother-in-law forhis birthday.

Tuesday - For Shrove Tuesday we cooked pancakes.

Wednesday - Liam was going out with his mates, he always does his hair in the living room mirror. Summer got up in front of the mirror, so he had to do her hair for her as well.

Thursday - Summer was poorly and had the sick bug, so Jacob kept himself amused by dressing up and playing with his Nerf guns.

Friday - My 2 nephews came around for the afternoon, the boys played outside on the penny boards. Hubby came home from work, the sickness had caught up with him.

Saturday - We cleaned the carpets today, the boys took advantage of the moved sofas using them as defence walls and they had a Nerf gun battle.

Sunday - Liam had his weekly Sunday football match, their team won and they are still top of the league. I spent most of the day on the couch feeling not so good, Summer sang me songs and played her harmonica.

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Tanya H Tanya H

Project 365 #7




Monday - both Liam and Lewis was off school with illness; so no swimming for Jacob. However, by the afternoon, Jacob had made a quick recovery and soon enough Jacob and Summer were playing around and laughing.

Tuesday - Everyone back to school and before we headed out to school, Jacob and Summer were playing with Harvey and saying 'Paw' so he would give his paw.

Wednesday - A pretty quiet day, this photo is taken of Jacob shuffling along the school fence.

Thursday - When the kids are at school, I normally let Shadow our bearded dragon, out to run around. 

Friday - Lewis and Summer looking at DVDs and what to watch after school. Summer dressed in her Sofia dress again.

Saturday - Lewis and Jacob playing Frustration the board game. 

Sunday - The two older boys keep complaining about having Sunday Roast every week, so I proposed we cooked pulled pork and it went down a treat.

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Tanya H Tanya H

Project 365 #6


Monday - Summer was jumping on the ice on the ground. 

Tuesday - Lewis came home with a 'Student of the half-term' certificate, which he was pleasantly surprised to receive, and quite pleased about it, as was I.

Wednesday - Hubby was away on a managers conference for a couple of days, so the kids and I chilled for the evening, Summer watching Boxtrolls.

Thursday - Hubby back home, as always he comes home with loads of goodies, lots of bags, pens, torches, cups and sweets. The kids all got excited and they shared out the goodies. I let the kids stay up and wait for hubby to get home, which was just before 10, and the kids were so excited to see him, it was a nightmare to get them to bed. So late night for all.

Friday - Summer sitting waiting for Jacob to come out of school. 

Saturday - Both Summer and Jacob between them eat a whole cucumber a day, they snack on big chunks of it - better than crisps. Jacob's always been like it and Summer has picked it up from him, so now they both snack on cucumber.

Sunday - It was my dad's birthday on Saturday, but on the Sunday they had all the family around for dinner. All the kids love playing together and this photo is Summer and my niece - they're best friends, when they are not fighting.

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Tanya H Tanya H

Project 365 #5









- I travelled down to London in the evening on the train and decided I would walk from Liverpool St. station to the hotel. I got lost (I always get lost), walked around in a circle until I found it in a small cobblestone alley.  Luckily I brought some wine in the train station.


- All day in a meeting - it was nice to meet my new supervisor who flew over from Bulgaria. Got the train home in the evening, and with delays, I didn't get home until midnight.


- I was knackered and didn't do much, apart from work and spend some time with the kids. Summer loving her new Doc McStuffins puzzle.


- It finally snowed, although not quite enough to build a snowman, but it covered the floor, and Jacob was able to throw some snowballs at me.


- Lewis came home from school a bit damp and dusted in snow.


- We went round to see my sister-in-law's new house, so I made a cheesecake for them (first cake I have ever made).  Saturday was also a very sad day, my best friend, who I grew up with, her Dad passed away. I knew him all my life and I will always remember him as a cheerful and kind man, who had a lovely, warm smile.


- Liam was trying to watch football and Summer wanted a cuddle with him, and then she gave him a kiss telling him she loved him -I am so glad I captured that moment.  

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Tanya H Tanya H

Project 365 #4









- Jacob made a spaceship at school, he came out holding it in his hands with the biggest beaming smile. Then he was running to the car, tripped over, and it crashed on the ground - all he was worried about was his poor spaceship - but not too worry it didn't crash land and all was okay.


- In last weeks 365 I shared a photo where Summer is fascinated with the gate outside her nursery, this week I thought I would capture the window she is also fascinated with, it is near the gate, and she has to stick her hand in it, and she peeks through the slates - she can see a little light and she is dying to get in there.


- Just outside out patio doors is the sit-on tractor trailer, which with all this rain has filled with water and in these freezing evenings the water on the top keeps freezing. And before we go to school, Jacob goes out to get a bit of ice.


- Jacob is a fussy eater, but he does love coleslaw and this is his bowl of coleslaw for dinner - he did have some celery as well. Also he got hit in the eye with a ball at school, so he has a little bruise under his eye.


- After school the kids were in a playful mood and were giving each other rides and generally just having fun. 


- I've been cooking again (very rare for me to cook).  I cooked a lamb rack with vegetables, and I made the gravy. It was very nice. The more I do this the more confident I am getting and the more I enjoy it.


- I packed ready for my business trip to London on Monday and Tuesday. Of course, I've packed the most important thing, my Kindle - I cannot be without my Kindle.

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Tanya H Tanya H

Project 365 #3








Gosh week 3 already, we had had some ups and downs, but overall an interesting week.


- Just picked Jacob up from school - he had nosey around the glove box in the car and pulled my sunglasses out to wear.


- When I pick Summer up from school we walk past this gate that leads down to the school basement, and she is fascinated by it, tries to open it every day. 


- I cooked! Yeah so, I hear you say - I really don't cook very often, hubby is the cook, but it is my goal to cook more, and I made these meatballs from scratch, and the kids and hubby loved them. (go me)

Thursday - 

We made smoothies - Jacob loves making smoothies, we had some yogurt left over, so we decided to grab the frozen fruit out of the freezer, and mix it altogether.

Friday -

Lewis was off school today - he had a migraine, so stayed in bed most of the day and then he chilled in his PJ bottoms.


- Jacob and Summer made a makeshift bed on my bedroom floor and chilled there in the morning. Hubby was off helping his sister move into their new house, so we chilled and read books and played toys all day. I

i snowed for the first time this winter for approximately 10 minutes and the kids got so excited, it was such a shame it melted as it landed.


- A normal Sunday apart from no football for Liam today. Then in the evening before bedtime, Summer smacked her head on the banister of the stairs and got a whopping black-eye. 

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Tanya H Tanya H

Project 365 #2


Unfortunately most of the week I was ill and suffered with my sinuses and my ears, so I didn't get up to much, although we did celebrate Liam's birthday on the Wednesday - my baby boy is 15 eek.

Monday - Jacob has his weekly swimming lessons, I drop Summer off around my parents, and take Jacob. Lewis came with us this week - Jacob likes it when big bro comes and watches.
Tuesday - all back to school - missed them like crazy.
Wednesday - Liam's 15th birthday. We went to Prezzo's together - this was the best photo I could get off him and I got told off for taking that one.
Thursday - I was poorly with my sinus, so I spent most of the day in bed. Although, when Jacob got back from school we done some Lego together.
Friday - Jacob said he had a sore throat, and with me ill, Summer grisly, we cuddled up and watched movies all day.
Saturday - The kids seemed a lot better, I was still suffering with my sinus, so Paul took the kids down the park.  When they got back, Jacob was taking selfies again with my phone.
Sunday - Liam has a football match every Sunday - on this photo, he just got back, and hid himself when I tried to take a photo of him. *sigh*

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Tanya H Tanya H

Project 365 #01

The 365 photo a day linky project hosted by the lovely TheBoyandme.co.uk blog. This is my first year I am joining in and I am soooo looking forward to it.

This is what we got up to so far in 2015:


was lazy day, myself and hubby both hungover and the kids knackered from the late night before, we all just chilled and cuddled up on the sofa. Hubby made us all a fry-up for breakfast (although it was more afternoon lunch).


hubby was back at work so I done some Lego sets with the boys, and a bit of crafting.  I tidied up a bit and started to take some of the Christmas decorations down. Oh and the tax disc reminder popped through the door! *great*


, we had my two nephews sleep over (the boys set-up camp in the lounge), watched the new Planet of the Apes movie, and ate tacos and wraps for dinner. And the rest of Christmas decorations came down and put up in the loft.


we had some morning craziness with the kids and my nephews jumping, rolling and bundling on hubby.  That was a loud half an hour full of laughter and screams of excitement.  Liam's football match was called off due to the frozen pitch.

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