It’s Been a Long Time- Tips on Returning to Work after Kids

If you have taken a few years away from working to focus on raising a family, the thought of re-entering the world of work can feel completely overwhelming. Jobs have moved on, technology is changing and improving every day and though you have racked up a huge set of skills during your years spent with your children, a lot of mothers (and fathers) simply lose confidence after so much time away. Here are some tips on how to get over some of the barriers that may be stopping you from reaching for the career of your dreams.

Research Online

Getting back into the game means knowing where to look, so put down the newspaper because job listings have moved into the virtual realm; finding a job advert has never been easier. Not only do the job listings come with extra details and information, but you can also personalise your search to suit your own availability and distance you are willing to travel. There are also some sites such as blog Jobrapido, which are dedicated to offering advice and tips on finding a job as well as enabling you access to different kinds of listings and vacancies. Online research also allows you to study potential interview questions and learn more on the job you’re looking at. With all the information you need in one place, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been out of the game, getting back into it will be a piece of cake.

Update your CV

After having understood the field and direction you’d like to go in, updating your CV is the next step. Figuring out what your best attributes and skills are is important, and having them on your resume directly will help the employer get a better picture of you too. Thanks to your CV, you will also be able to explain the gap between your last job and the one you’re applying to now- something many parents worry about when going back to work. Explain all the abilities and skills you have had the chance to learn and improve during the gap- parenthood provides us with many (e.g. organisation, time management, organising finances etc…). Show how determined you are to excel in the position you’re applying for; you’ve had your break, show them how much you want to work now!

Network it out

A smart and easy way to ease yourself back into work is also by looking at those around you, and learning from their current situations. Networking is an important part of the job search, and asking people about their jobs, if there are any openings, or if they have any advice is a great way to narrow where and what you’re looking at. Not only will speaking to people help you understand what is out there, but you might even have the possibility of working alongside somebody you already know!

Practice interviews

Once you’re set to go and you receive your first call back interview, practising a few Q&As will definitely get you through the process better. Online there are many resources where you can find many different and interesting sample questions to practice- see if your partner or a friend can help you out with some role-play. The important this is to find somebody you feel comfortable with for the practice interview, and go through them until you feel ready. We all react to interviews differently, but going through mock interviews has never decreased anybody’s chance; so let the questions roll in! You may not be invited for a face to faced interview but rather a Skype meeting which makes the process a lot easier for the company and perhaps for you too. So be sure that you have a Skype account up and running and remember- just because you’re at home during the interview, smart clothes are still essential!


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