Three ways to combat male pattern baldness

Man with bald head, side shot

Whilst male pattern baldness (or hereditary baldness) is common, it can still be difficult to come to terms with losing your hair. You might choose to embrace this transition and your new look, or alternatively, seek to find a way to combat your hair loss.

Luckily, the choice is yours. There are many options to consider, no matter the stage you're at – although you will want to address your hair loss concerns sooner rather than later for the best results. This guide shares three highly effective solutions to male pattern baldness.

Medicinal treatments

Medicines for hair loss are usually taken as tablets or applied topically to the scalp. Options include a variety of products containing finasteride and minoxidil, two medications that are available on prescription. These treatments aim to slow hair loss and promote hair growth. It can take some time to see results, but the wait is well worth it to see your natural, healthy hair restored.

It’s important to note that these medicines are only effective for as long as you use them, so treatment must be ongoing. Begin using these products as soon as possible, as medicinal treatments are unlikely to be effective once you're completely bald.

Surgical solutions

People who are candidates for hair replacement surgeries might choose to have a hair transplant or undertake a scalp reduction procedure. A hair transplant involves taking a portion of hair-bearing scalp from the back of the head and transplanting it into the balding area – the extracted parts of the scalp are then concealed with surrounding hair. A hair transplant may require many sessions over a long period of time to achieve a natural look.

A scalp reduction procedure requires a dermatological surgeon to remove parts of the scalp that no longer grow hair and essentially stretch the hair-bearing parts to cover those missing sections. Both of these surgeries are conducted under local anaesthesia but are still performed very gently for minimal discomfort.

As with any surgical procedure, these treatments will have side effects, so you’ll want to discuss these with a medical professional prior to taking the plunge. Surgical solutions are suitable for people with minimal to moderate hair loss, but they won’t be effective if you’re already bald without an area of the scalp that can be used as a harvest site.


Many men are reluctant to wear a hairpiece like a toupée or wig, but despite common perceptions, there are false hair products that look natural and are comfortable to wear. If you’re considering a hairpiece, you’ll want to have it fitted by a professional for a seamless application.

It can be tempting to buy hairpieces online or to choose some of the cheaper options on the market, but ultimately, this isn’t the kind of product you want to skimp on or purchase impulsively. Investing in a good quality product is crucial if you want a full head of hair that’ll pass off as your natural locks.

Make the right choice for you

There are solutions to male pattern baldness, but don’t think that it’s something you have to combat. Many men choose to embrace their baldness – studies have even found that having a bald head can make you appear more dominant, amongst a range of other benefits, so it might be worth giving the bald look a go. Regardless of your route, it’s important to remember that this kind of hereditary baldness is normal and common. Whether or not you choose to address it is totally a matter of preference, so you should always take the route that feels like the right choice for you.


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