How Chronic Illness Gave Me Courage And Confidence To Pursue a Dream

Holding a pen with a book open

Courage and Confidence

When I first became chronically ill, it felt like my whole world had shattered. The loss of my health led to the loss of my identity, my confidence, and my dreams. I was engulfed in grief, feeling lost and unsure of how to navigate this new reality.

Accepting my chronic illness and chronic pain was a long and difficult journey. It forced me to confront my limitations, redefine my priorities, and let go of the life I had envisioned for myself. But through this process of acceptance and adaptation, I found a new sense of courage and confidence that I never knew I had.

With my chronic illness came a lot of free time. At first, this abundance of time felt like a burden, a constant reminder of all the things I could no longer do. But I soon realised that this time was a gift, an opportunity to explore new passions and interests.

Studying Journalism

Last week, I was thrilled to be accepted into the NCTJ foundation course through Ability Today charity funding. This incredible opportunity will allow me to pursue my passion for journalism and equip me with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the industry. I am truly grateful for this chance to learn and grow and am eager to make the most of this fantastic opportunity. I had always been curious about journalism but never had the time or courage to pursue it. Despite the challenges my chronic illness presents, I’m embracing this new chapter of my life with open arms.

Studying journalism has not only given me a sense of purpose and direction, but it has also reignited my hope for the future. It has shown me that even in the face of adversity, there are always opportunities for growth and fulfilment. My chronic illness may have limited me in many ways, but it has also empowered me to seize the life I have, however restricted it may be, and make the most of it.

Why Journalism

I have always had a passion for writing, which I discovered during my teenage years. I had the opportunity to work with the local newspaper for two weeks during my Year 10 high school work experience, shadowing the journalists, and I loved it. However, I struggled with writing and expressing myself due to dyslexia, which greatly affected my confidence. I felt that I would never be good enough to pursue a career in journalism. As a result, I decided to take a business course in college and became a successful international project manager, working with some of the biggest brands in the world for 15 years. Over time, through my professional experiences, blog writing, and living life, I have gained confidence in my abilities. Additionally, living with a chronic illness and chronic pain has changed my perspective on life and given me the courage to take the leap and pursue journalism.

Newfound Sense of Purpose

Through the lens of chronic illness, I have learned that courage and confidence are not always loud or flashy. Sometimes, they are quiet acts of resilience, small steps taken in the face of uncertainty and fear. And it is these quiet acts that have reshaped my outlook on life and given me a newfound sense of purpose and determination.

I am uncertain about the direction this course will lead me; truth be told, I am not entirely sure where I want it to take me. However, what I do know for sure is that I have a deep passion for writing. Whenever I am engrossed in writing, I find true happiness.

About me

I am a married mother of four children, and I am in my mid-40s. I run a small business and enjoy writing, which is why I blog. My blog focuses on my experiences of living with chronic illnesses and disabilities such as ME/CFS, spinal stenosis, chronic pain, and fibromyalgia.



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