Cracked Nails & Split Ends

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Project 365 #01

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The 365 photo a day linky project hosted by the lovely blog. This is my first year I am joining in and I am soooo looking forward to it.

This is what we got up to so far in 2015:


was lazy day, myself and hubby both hungover and the kids knackered from the late night before, we all just chilled and cuddled up on the sofa. Hubby made us all a fry-up for breakfast (although it was more afternoon lunch).


hubby was back at work so I done some Lego sets with the boys, and a bit of crafting.  I tidied up a bit and started to take some of the Christmas decorations down. Oh and the tax disc reminder popped through the door! *great*


, we had my two nephews sleep over (the boys set-up camp in the lounge), watched the new Planet of the Apes movie, and ate tacos and wraps for dinner. And the rest of Christmas decorations came down and put up in the loft.


we had some morning craziness with the kids and my nephews jumping, rolling and bundling on hubby.  That was a loud half an hour full of laughter and screams of excitement.  Liam's football match was called off due to the frozen pitch.