Become a Skin Care Rockstar

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you loving your skin? Or do you see a spotty, tired looking face? Have you tried every cream in the shop, only to make things worse? Chances are that you need to dive into the specifics of your skin, your heritage, nutrition and your circumstances. Your skin is screaming for a change in skin care routine, and luckily, there are enough resources online available to help you out. I’m here to share a great one I stumbled upon myself.

Your skin is unique. There are so many factors that influence the condition of it, that a solution for any issues has to be tailored to your specific skin. That’s why it’s very important to understand how your skin works and to track any reactions of it to products, nutrition and other lifestyle habits. 

It may sound complicated, but once you know the basics and stop believing all the promises on the jar (and read the ingredient label instead!) - you are well on your way to a smooth, fresh and relaxed face. I actually found this great skin care guide and wanted to share the cool infographic that came with it. Just click the link above to read the complete article, for professional advice on a flawless face and healthy, glowing skin. It does not have to involve expensive products or complex treatments, and in most cases can be achieved by avoiding some harmful chemicals and certain foods. 

The best thing to start with is to track your skin's behavior, in a little notebook or diary. Note which products you are using, what the weather conditions are, what you do during the day, what you eat and drink, where you are and even how you feel. Stress, anxiety and other strong emotions can all have an effect. If you’re a woman, track where you are in your cycle. You can do this for a week, but it’s advisable to note everything for a month.  If you do this diligently, soon a pattern will become apparent. You learn more about your skin and what it reacts to most intensely, and where you should look for solutions.

After that...try to combine the diary by following the advice in the Rockstar skin care guide I mentioned before, and you will hopefully be noticing some positive changes. A quick summary is to limit external factors like sunlight, extreme temperatures, washing too often, bad product ingredients and unhealthy foods. You should eat skin-friendly foods like tomatoes, oatmeal, olive oil, kale and dark chocolate. Drink lots of water and green tea. 

In addition, take supplements, for instance, vitamin A, C, E, Omega 3, Vitamin B complex and Zinc. Oh and, STOP SMOKING. If you continue to smoke, all your other efforts will be completely in vain, because smoking prematurely ages your skin, and can cause nasty spots and other unflattering effects. 

Make sure to use some wonderful, natural ingredients in your new gentle skin care routine. Some amazing superheroes are coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, raw honey, avocado, aloe vera, shea butter, almond oil, castor oil, jojoba oil and sea salt. 

And finally, if you really want to reach your ultimate skin goal, indulge yourself in a facial treatment by a trained cosmetologist. Some options to choose from are a Lymphatic Facial Massage, LED Facial and even acupuncture. 

But remember…..for all these solutions the same holds: observe, feel your skin. In the end, you are the most expert on the results you experience. And every skin is unique.

Here’s the skincare infographic, hope it inspires you on your journey to perfect, soft skin!

our world is beauty infographic.jpg

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