Starting off on the Right Foot
Photo by Christian Chen on Unsplash
If you meet someone who runs track, plays basketball, or football and ask them about the value of having the right pair of shoes, this class of people will have a lot to tell you. They need to move around as they train and play therefore, having the best shoes for the occasion, matters to them.
Shoes are Important
You might not be an athlete, but the shoes you wear can affect how you carry out your daily activities. When going to work, running some errands, going hiking, or to the gym, you need shoes that can give you the flexibility you need while supporting your feet. You need shoes that are durable and won’t send you back to the Nike stores in AU after a few wears. For many, the beauty of a pair of shoes is the main determinant for their going home with them but that shouldn’t be the case.
Buying with Purpose
As mentioned earlier, beauty isn’t the only thing that should decide whether you take a shoe home. There are other factors to consider. One of such factors is your daily activities. How do you spend your day? Do you sit in a chair most of the time or are you on your feet?
Are you a stay-at-home mom taking care of toddlers or do you have to run some errands? Buy shoes for a reason. Don’t go to a store and pick the one that catches your eye the most; it might end up being a bad buy. Yes, your shoes need to be fashionable as well but they have to give you a degree of comfort as you go about your day.
Invest in footwear that is designed for the activity you want to do. It might seem like a waste having different shoes for various reasons or taking your time to select a shoe instead of choosing the prettiest one but it will pay off in the long run.
Walking Shoes v Running Shoes
Although they share some similarities, these two types differ from each other in a couple of ways.
Walking is more of a lighter activity whether it is casual, or brisk. It doesn’t put as much pressure on the feet. That’s who walking shoes are more about comfort and stability. Running shoes on the other hand deal with performance. A runner needs to move fast and ensure that their feet are adequately protected as they do so. Therefore, running shoes are lighter for easy movement, have a bit of a heel, and possess more cushioning than walking shoes. This is to protect against injury and shock. The extra padding on running shoes provides more support as the activity can put some pressure on the legs.
Go in with enough information
On your next shopping spree, go in with a plan. Take a look at your shoe collection and determine what you need as that will narrow down your options when shopping. For instance, if you are going hiking and only have a pair of running shoes, you might need some sturdy shoes for the rugged environment.
Are you at loss on what to pick? Ask one of the consultants around for help. Store like AU Nike stores that carry a good deal of shoes usually train their staff to answer some of the pressing questions you have. Let them guide you through the process. Also, make sure you get to try the shoe before you buy and if you are shopping online, try to get it in your size.