Cracked Nails & Split Ends

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My Winter Remedies



I’m actually excited at the prospect of a cold winter this year and hopefully even some snow. I love winter, snuggling up in thick cardigans, or blankets on the sofa, drinking copious amounts of hot chocolate, wearing woolly hats and gloves, and even those heavy jumpers - I love it all.  With the onset of cold weather, the common cold, flu, and general sniffles can become a regular occurrence. That’s why I like to stay prepared with a few natural remedies for winter.

It's a time to be stocking up on remedies (natural and conventional) in preparation for the upcoming cold days, with the aim of dodging and coping with any illness and colds, but not only for me, for the kids too. I've learnt over the years preparation is key.

I’m stocking up on my favourite remedies that I always keep on hand as we approach cold/flu/general illness season:

Orange Juice 

A daily 150ml glass of orange juice (can be fresh or from concentrate, nutritionally they are exactly the same) provides all the vitamin C you need for the whole day and is a source of folate. This makes orange juice a good choice this time of year as vitamin C and folate contribute to the healthy function of the immune system. It's also one of our favourite drinks in this household.

Don't forget, one 150ml portion also counts as one of your five-a-day!

Jojoba Oil

As I write this post, I have cracked bottom lip which is rather painful - I normally get it this time of the year and it only happens once a year.  I find Jojoba oil nourishes my lips. Pure jojoba oil I find, provides a simple, natural way to restore moisture to my lips.

Tea Tree

I've done this for years, as soon as I get a sore throat, I pour a small amount of water into a glass and add 2 to 3 drops of Tea Tree oil, I then gargle it for 60 seconds. I find it has always helped.

Honey with herbal tea or warm water and lemon

I always make sure I have honey, lemon and herbal teas in the cupboard, and the first signs of a cough, making a warm brew with these ingredients is really comforting and can help sooth the cough.

A bowl of soup

I don't eat soup often, only really during the cold months. A big bowl of chicken soup - homemade is best. A bone broth is full of vitamins and minerals, as well as gelatine and collagen, to help get you back on your feet. Make your own to add extra veg and nutrients.  adding vegetables and spices like turmeric, ginger or cinnamon.

Olbas oil

I can't be without Olbas oil, it offers such relief for my sinuses, it's perfect for popping a couple of drops on the pillow at night, or popping some on a hanky (yes I carry a hanky - I find its perfect to use with Olbas oil to help relief with my blocked sinuses).

Vapor Rub

If a cough or cold strikes, I like to have vapor rub on hand. I use it on the bottoms of feet and on the back and chest to calm coughing and congestion - just as my dad did for us when we were kids, and now I am doing the same with my kids.