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Cystitis: how to tackle a bladder infection

Cystitis is a bacterial infection that causes your bladder to become inflamed, leading to a host of unpleasant symptoms such as discomfort when passing urine, a feeling of needing to go to the toilet more frequently, abdomen pain, feeling feverish and tiredness. For some people, the pain from cystitis can be mild while for others it can be severe enough to have an impact on their daily lives. Fortunately, there are a range of effective ways you can tackle a bladder infection. To learn how you can keep this condition from holding you back, keep reading.


If you visit your GP, they may prescribe you a course of antibiotics, such as trimethoprim. This treatment, which can also be accessed through online pharmacies, works to prevent the spread of bacteria, and it can clear up the infection within a couple of days. Trimethoprim comes in tablet form. Usually, one tablet is required to be taken twice a day. You can take this medicine on either an empty stomach or with a meal, and for best results, you should aim to take the tablets at the same time each day. Like with most medicines, there are some side effects connected with taking this treatment. For example, you may experience nausea, diarrhoea and loss of appetite. If you require more information about trimethoprim, you should speak to a medical professional.


Some people believe that drinking plenty of fluids can help relieve the discomfort that often accompanies cystitis. Although there is a lack of evidence to prove how effective this is, increasing your water intake is said to flush the infection out of your bladder. You could also try drinking cranberry juice. Again, there is little proof that this actually works, but it’s unlikely to make the condition any worse. Ideally, you should avoid drinking anything that is caffeinated, such as tea, coffee and certain fizzy drinks, as caffeine can irritate your bladder.


To ease the pain, you could try using painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. These medicines can help keep your discomfort at bay, allowing you to carry on with your day as normal. You can buy over-the-counter painkillers like this from your local pharmacy or supermarket, however to check that they’re suitable for you to use, you should speak to a pharmacist or your doctor first, especially if you have any other medical conditions.


Applying heat can help soothe your discomfort. For example, you could place a hot bottle on your stomach or have a bath. The warm sensation should relieve any aches and pains you might be experiencing. However, if you try this out, you should be extra careful to ensure you don’t scald yourself.

Putting some of these suggestions into practice should help you combat the effects of a bladder infection. However, if you find these don’t work or if you keep getting cystitis, you should speak to your GP for further advice.