BBQ Weekend

Over the Bank holiday weekend we decided to have a family BBQ - well it was meant to be nice weather, so we thought 'why not' - perfect excuse for the first BBQ of the year. We pulled the BBQ out, cleaned it, and popped off to Morrisons for our shop. Throughout the supermarket they had lots of POS and labels highlighting all the new cheaper prices, it made our shopping experience must more positive. Once we had everything we headed home and I started on the dishes:

Mediterranean vegetables -

I love this dish, not only great for BBQs but also goes well with most meals.

  • Courgette 55p

  • Yellow courgette - never added one of these before, but I spotted it in Morrisons and couldn't resist. £1.06

  • Peppers £1.59

  • Red Onion 49p

  • Mushrooms 89p

  • Baby Potatoes 76p

Slice all the vegetables up and place in a dish, pour some olive oil over and add a little seasoning/mixed herbs, then stick into the oven for about an hour. 

Cost £5.34 - for 7 adults costing 76p each.

Potato Salad

I love making my potato salad, this dish is so simple and tastes much better than shop-bought.

  • 1 pack of baby potatoes 76p

  • Half a bunch of spring onions - but I use the green part only 24.5p

  • Salt & Pepper

  • Half a jar of Morrisions Light mayonnaise - 45p

First, you steam the potatoes, then once soft drain them and chop them in half. Trim the green part of the spring onions and mix in with the potatoes, season with salt and pepper -  then mix it all with some Light Mayonnaise.

Cost £1.46 - for 7 adults costing 21p each.

Red Coleslaw

This dish is my favourite (a few of my friends and family members love it when I make this), it is so simple to make and tastes yummy.

  • 1 Red onion - Morrisons 49p

  • 1 Red cabbage - they didn't have any in my Morrisons unfortunately, but I had some in the fridge already (from another supermarket). 49p

  • Pine nuts (half a pack) - £1.35

  • Salt & Pepper

  • Half a jar of Morrisions Light mayonnaise - 45p

Chop the Cabbage, chop the onion, mix, chuck in the pine nuts, season with salt and pepper - and then mix it all together with some Light Mayonnaise

Cost £2.78 - for 7 adults costing 40p each - howeve,r there was 1/3 leftover, which I enjoyed for a few lunches throughout the following week - Yummy.

From BBQ to the table:  

Then the meat - my husband was really pleased with the quality of the meat (so was I) he mentioned how the burgers didn't shrink, and the sausages didn't split - the quality and taste was great.

For 7 adults, and 4 children:

  • Minty lamb ribs £2.01

  • Chinese steaks £2.99

  • 3x Burgers £12

  • 2xSausage £6.38

  • Beef shish kebabs £4

Total meat - £27.38 

- for 7 adults + 4 children costing £2.49 each - there was plenty of meat for all of us, in fact we had some left over and Paul's mum took home a doggy bag. 


Angel Delight