The End of Yet Another Era - Teenage Son Finished School
The end of yet another era. They come thick and fast, too fast.
It only seems like yesterday when he was my baby boy, my first baby, oh how I used to just cuddle him hours and hours on end, never wanting to let him go or let him out of my sight and now he's a fully fledged grown up. Whilst there's apart of me that's a little sad, I'm also incredibly proud of him and excited. I am excited for the future, his future, and I can't wait to see what he does with his life.
Last week my oldest son had his school prom to say goodbye to his school life one last time. The speed in which this moment has come around is scary, one minute you are buying revision books, and the next minute the exams and school is all done and finished.
He's positive and enjoying his 'freedom' at the moment, exams are done, school is out and little to worry about. His friends and him have big plans for this summer, before they each go on their individual paths as young adults. He's looking forward to working a part time job soon - his very first job, he would like a scooter and then there is college coming in September.
Big changes, lots to look forward too!
I think the saddest part of all this change is, he separates from his group of close school friends, although most are going to the same college, but on different courses, not all are. I am confident he will still stay connected with his mates, but then he will make new friends as well, especially as life takes each of them on different paths and journeys.
With all these changes he is handling it in his typical carefree and laid back manner. He adapts well, probably better than I do. But, I love being there for him, I love being his mother. I've enjoyed the past 16 years, good and bad, and I am so very proud and lucky.
My heart aches thinking about letting him go into the big wide world that will sometimes be hard, scary, and tough. As parents, we want nothing more than to wrap our kids up and protect them, to save them from making bad decisions and from being hurt. But, I have to let him find his way, to find his feet and to grow into a young adult, with, of course, the guidance from his dad and me.
As he finishes school and we cross the threshold into the pending adulthood, I know we must navigate a new path for our relationship as mother and son. What is it like to be the mother of an adult? I’m not quite sure how I’m meant to do that. New boundaries, new adventures, new....
But, one thing is for sure, he will always be my little boy to me.