Sea Life Centre, Great Yarmouth

Last Sunday we headed to Great Yarmouth Sea Life centre.

We take the kids every year, and each year it never disappoints.  There is always so much to see, experience and learn; it's a place full of fun and discovery for both kids and adults.

Every year there is always something new and exciting, and this year for 2014 they presented the 'sea stars', with the biggest star fish we have ever seen (I didn't even realise a breed of star fish could get that big) and not forgetting the smallest star fish, the size of a 5p coin (see my picture below).

I enjoy taking the kids, as it is not only fun, exciting and interesting; it also offers them an educational value. Throughout the centre are information and facts boards, in addition there is a big presence on the conversation projects and charities they support, in which you can get involved/contribute - whether it be to sign a petition form, or taking away that knowledge to pass along.

Our visit:

We started off our visit with an enchanting experience, we see some huge fish, fed the huge fish, walked through the neon illuminated area with jelly fish that make the jelly fish more vivid and simply stunning and beautiful to watch as they float around.  Finally we got up close to the stingray, we looked over the tank and watched them as they swam passed, and often popping their head out of the water.

We then headed to the Penguin area, arriving just in time for their feed and talk session.  This was a really amazing experience, as we got to see the penguins swimming past the viewing windows, being feed by the keepers, and we also headed upstairs to the outside viewing area, which we had a overview of the enclosure and pool. 

After learning about the Humboldt penguins, and of the new arrival, a baby penguin, we headed over to the touch pools. We got to feel a star fish, Summer touched one, Jacob would only touch it if Paul held his arm to do it. The kids were given a medal by the Sea Life centre team member for being super adventurous by getting involved. 

Next to the pools was the sea life nursery, check out these cuties - baby stingrays.

Proudly wearing their medals we checked out the dwarf crocodiles, turtles, and they even had a bearded dragon (we have a pet one at home, who is a baby, so it was great to see an adult size one).

It just got better and better as we entered the Ocean tunnel, a massive 

million-litre underwater tank, which also has a walk through tunnel for optimal experience with sharks and giant turtles swimming over your head. There are talk and feed sessions throughout the day, which are very fun and interesting to watch.

After chilling out in the amazing Ocean tunnel we then headed through and meet an octopus, some cute sea horses, and came to a room where the kids could sit and colour in, with an educational DVD playing in the back ground.

Nemo's cave fun - we stuck our hand's in the turtle's cave mouth to feel what was inside... poor Jacob's arm wasn't long enough, he tried every which angle to stretch his arm but just couldn't make it. They had a 360 tank with lots of 'Nemo' fishes. 

Finally we finished off in the Sea Stars area, with star fish of all sorts of sizes and colours and to experience and see them you could go up and under the peek-aboo-holes, or walk through the tunnel. We got to see the Sunflower Starfish which can grow up to a massive one metre in diameter, see the pink star fish below, he was big!  The oddest star fish we see is known as Granulated Star fish, unfortunately I didn't get a photo but they don't look real, they look like stuffed and plump star shaped teddy.

We had an amazing time at the Sea Life centre, I cannot recommend it enough, for kids and adults alike. There are loads of different creatures to see, and interactively loads to learn. Through out the day they have lots of schedule talks and feeds, however any staff member is always approachable, friendly and willing to help and answer any questions you may have!

Disclaimer: We were welcomed as guests into the Sea Life centre for the purpose of this review. All opinions are honest and my own.


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