Review: Pull My Finger Game
Review: Pull My Finger Game
Pull My Finger Game Review
Both Hubby and I fell ill last month, hubby was bedridden and I ended up in the hospital, it has not a fun few weeks, especially not for the kids.
As a parent being ill can be a huge challenge and the guilt, and feeling bad about all the things you can't do with your kids, the change of plans etc.
One way to keep them entertained and away from too much screen time is board games; nothing beats a good board game, and Pull My Finger has been perfect addition the past couple of weeks, keeping the kids entertained, hearing them belly laugh playing it, and just watching them having a fun time.
Pull My Finger was on my Christmas list to get the kids this year, but we were lucky enough to be sent it for review, and as expected the kids were super excited and they loved it; a game that farts, what’s not to love.
It's a quick game, with quick rounds, but the kids played it over and over again, laughing, lots of laughter.
Included in the game:
The monkey
2 Monkey butts
1 monkey tail
1 spinner
It’s very simple to play, you take in turns to spin the spinner and follow the instructions, pulling the monkey's finger as instructed. If Monkey farts, you're out of the round, but if you are the last person left in, you are the winner.
Monkey’s butt inflates when you pull his finger, the more you pull the more his butt inflates - you need a good strong pull (Summer struggled with this at first, but Jacob was more than happy to help her) And, at any pull the valve will release….. and you hear him fart… queue laughter from the kids.
Pull My Finger is a great fun family game, it would make a lovely gift.