Cracked Nails & Split Ends

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My Son Turned 18

This month see the celebration of my sons 18th Birthday.


how did that happen?!

It seems like yesterday I was bringing my first baby home from the hospital, bursting full of an array of new emotions, mostly a mix of fear and pure love. I think I spent many hours over the years worrying that I would be a terrible parent or something bad would happen to my beautiful baby; in fact that fear never goes away, you just learn to cope with it better as you both grow. The love for a child is pure and fierce.... Its' unconditional love.

I've enjoyed every single minute watching him grow, helping him take his first steps, taking him to school, and taking him to the cinema; putting plasters and kissing all the bumps and bruises better… there have been many many firsts and milestones, and lots of tears and laughter.

Over the years watching him grow I'd often wonder what kind of person he would become once he reached this age, and if I’d done a good job raising him. I'd imagine if he would be like his dad (yes he is, very much) and what his personality would be like.

My first born is 18 now, it came too quick, and it will take me a while to accept it. A mother's job is never done.I feel extremely lucky and proud every day, that I have a well balanced, responsible (mostly), sensible, sensitive, fun, thoughtful teenage son/ young adult son.

My advice (as cliched as it is), but only because I will never stop loving and wanting to protect you:

Be confident, but stay humble. Look after your health. Never stop listening to your parents. Spend time with your parents. Failure is okay, you will grow and learn from it. Push yourself, and trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Continue to be yourself, you will be just fine.

Thank you, Liam for making my life so much better, more meaningful. I am extremely proud of the young adult you have become.