L.O.L Surprise! Pets
≈LOL Surprise Pets has the familiar unwrap surprises format as the previous series with a slight difference, this series the ball contains four wrapped items in the centre and one item where you have to dig out with the pooper scooper from the dog litter (which is playsand). The litter box lid can be used to stamp footprints into the sand. The sand is a great new addition, which adds a new element of fun to the collection.
The very exciting secret message is included, giving the first unravel clue to the pet’s identity; the collectable sticker sheet and the water bottle charm and accessory all included. Opening a LOL is very exciting, and fun. She now has her first pet for her L.O.L dolls from the previous series - building her collection, and mixing and sharing the accessories she loves doing.
Summer had been watching a few LOL Surprise Pets vids on YouTube, thus, she knew the differences from the previous series, so she was prepared to open her first one:
She loved digging in the sand finding the hidden accessory.