We bought Jacob a bike for his birthday last year, but he refuses to ride it as it doesn't have stabilisers, 'I'm not riding my bike without stabilisers', and that was that - he was adamant that he would fall, he can't ride his bike without his stabilisers. No matter the encouragement his bigger brothers gave him, or me and his dad, nothing, he simply wasn't going to do it.
The biggest hurdle for Jacob, as it is with many children wanting to learn to ride a bike is to overcome, confidence. Being confident enough to get up to the speed required to maintain their own balance is half the battle.
With the summer holidays, I was keen to get him on his bike. Thanks to the Crikey Bikey harness, he agreed - reluctantly, but he agreed.
The Crikey Bikey is a harness designed so you can hold your little one whilst they learn to use the bike, if they fall you have hold of them and they don't fall. It's this show of support that gave Jacob the confidence to go for it. Over time we were able to gradually reduce the amount of support we gave him until he was cycling independently. As we did this he didn't realise we weren't supporting him, and he was riding by himself - at first he was horrified, until he realised he did it himself.
Falling off the bike is part of learning, getting up and getting back on it, but Jacob is a very cautious boy, he won't do anything if he feels is dangerous - he over thinks things. And, Crikey Bikey was the first step in teaching him to ride his bike. And, now he is riding his bike with confidence and he is enjoying it thoroughly.
Crikey Bikey was designed and invented by a school girl for a school project, which with the support of her family brought Crikey Bikey to the market. It has a RRP of £19.99 and you can buy Bikey Crikey online or in your most stores that sell bikes, like Halfords and Evans.
Soon, we will be teaching Summer to ride her bike and we will be using the Crikey Bikey harness. It is a great addition to encourage and help teach your little ones to ride their bikes.