The Lion Guard Hyena Hideout Playset
Disney’s The Lion Guard is a fun animated series based around Kion, son of Simba and Nala. Kion leads the Lion Guard, a team of animals who's job is to protect the Pride Lands. To compliment this new series Flair have released a range of toys, like the Defend the Pride Lands play set, which we reviewed a few months ago, and most recently we were kindly sent The Hyena Hideout Playset for review.
The Hyena Hideout Playset features a pull-down branch, which will close the bone jaw jail, or pull down on another branch to launch the boulder. When the boulder collides with the tree, the tree breaks apart on impact, but if the boulder rolls in the other direction the teetering rock bridge will collapse.
This toy is great fun, and encourages little ones to use their imagination. They can recreate scenes from their favourite episodes, or simply create their own scenes.
Hyena Hideout Playset would make a great gift and give hours of fun.