What I am looking forward to in 2015

What I am (hopefully) looking forward to in 2015.

Holiday dreams

We're planning on going on holiday aboard this year! it has been 3 years before we last went overseas, and this year we are going to make it happen! (well, we will try our hardest). We are thinking about going via a villa route - either south of France, Portugal or maybe Malta, not sure yet. 

Also, we are planning on going Glamping for the first time ever, it looks so much fun, especially at Warwick Castle and I'm sure the boys would love it there - a mini adventure.

We want to go to Harry Potter Warner Bros Studios - looks amazing there.

Hopefully, we will make it to Center Parcs this winter, for a winter wonderland break - unfortunately we missed it last year, which was a shame.

Fitness goals

For myself I want to shred some fat and tone up somewhat - so I am gearing myself up to start the gym - I last visited a gym 15 years ago; I was there for 9 minutes and left to never return. why? because I nearly passed out whilst doing the review (hhmm I will say no more there). I do love Pilate's and have a Pilate's machine at home, which I go through phases and pull it out and have a go, but haven't pulled it out over a year now - but that has already changed this year, and I am determined to do a couple of sessions each week, in the luxury of my lounge.

Cooking more

I want to start cooking or more aptly put, I want to learn how to cook - hubby is the cook and has always been, because simply, I am rubbish. I never wanted to cook, it bored me, and I am not very good at it, although this past few months I have found myself wanting to learn to cook, I found myself actually showing an interest, I watch all the cooking programmes (hubby asks me why you watching this, you don't cook). Anyhow watch this space! - although did you see my turkey meatballs post last week? I made them from scratch, and I found I really enjoyed it.

Drinking more water

I am on a mission to drink more water - I drink fizzy all the time, except for my lemon squash in the evening, and I am fed up with drinking fizzy, have been for a couple of months now. I want to drink more water - it's going to be hard, because I have never been a water drinker, but again this is my main goal this year. 

Watching my kids grow

It goes so quick, but they are growing, with Liam now heading to his sixteenth, Lewis will be 12, Jacob will be 6 and Summer will be 3.  Liam is taller than me now and it isn't going to be long before Lewis shoots past me.

I love being with them, watching them, learning from them and no matter if they drive me up the wall sometimes, they are worth it and more.

18 years together

It will be 18 years hubby and I have been together this year, happy as ever our relationship continues to grow - my best friend, my love and my pain in the arse (and likewise I am sure). 


This month I've fully transferred into my new position now, International Project Manager - previously working in a country team, but now in my new position it means I will be working on the global team and working with global clients - exciting and a bit nervous, but I have a great boss, and that goes a long way for me.

Well part of this post turned out to sound more like new years' resolutions, which I've never made one before, but I found these past few months wanting to change, wanting to improve myself, and leading up to the new year it was a perfect excuse for me to kick start my desires and personal goals.

Apart from that I am excited to see what else 2015 will bring us.


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