Cracked Nails & Split Ends

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Jacob is 5

Jacob celebrated his 5th Birthday last week.

My husband booked the day off work, so it was nice for him to be there when we got up in the morning as he normally leaves for work before the kids get-up. Hubby woke us up extra early, we all wished Jacob happy birthday and ventured downstairs to open pressies.

Unfortunately it was on a school day (blah so not nice for little ones to have to go to school on their birthday), so Jacob had to rush off to school. However the school did have a little cake and the whole class sang him happy birthday and he had a good day.

After school we were busy getting the food ready for friends and family to come over, whilst Jacob played with his new toys.

Then friends and family started to come around, and there were more pressies and cards for Jacob to open. They had fun, played rugby in the hall, shot Nerf guns at the adults, made a mess, and played games.  Finally we all sang happy birthday to him and he blew out his candles, and everyone ate cake - Jacob had the biggest slice (the front of Lightening McQueen's bonnet).

Everyone left, and Jacob was one happy little chap.

In the evening, before we went to bed, we finished off playing his new game Doh-nutters. (which was a lot harder than I was expecting, although the kids were much better at it then me)

Jacob had the front of the whole cake, which was shaped as a car, Lighening McQueen

He and Lewis thought it would be fun to smash what was left of his cake - sigh.