Cracked Nails & Split Ends

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Month in review - August

Some quick facts for August: is the eighth month of the year and one of seven months with a length of 31 days. In the southern hemisphere, August is the seasonal equivalent of February in the northern hemisphere.
In common years no other month starts on the same day of the week as August, though in leap years February starts on the same day. August ends on the same day of the week as November every year.

August's birthstones are the peridot and sardonyx. The birth flower is the gladiolus or poppy, meaning beauty, strength of character, love, marriage and family. And finally the zodiac signs for the month of August are Leo (until August 22) and Virgo (from August 23 onwards).

We had a fantastic summer holiday, we had loads of day's out, kept the kids busy and spent valuable time with the family. We also had a few birthday's: Summers, my brother-in law, my best friend, Paul's cousin (50th), and one of my niece's.

Below is some of the stuff we got up to:

Lollibop 2014! Yay we were really looking forward to it as we had a brilliant time last year. This year we took Jacob, Summer and my niece Ruby. We went on a Friday this year, but last year we went on a Saturday which was really busy, however we found visiting on a Friday, was a bit more quiet and we were able to visit and experience more things around the festival- we will definitely do a Friday next year.

We did the BRITA London Wasp's coachclass.  W e got up mega early on Monday morning jumped in the car and headed to Bicester.  Lewis and Taylor had an amazing two days learning different skills for rugby, they also got to meet a Wasp player. 

Paul took two weeks off last two weeks in Aug, which was very nice, and the kids love him being home, especially when they wake-up, as he is normally gone to work, but when he is off, they run down stairs to see DADDYYYYY!

Summer's 2nd birthday, my little princess is growing up fast - she had a fantastic day, with all our family and friends around. We had a BBQ and loads of fun.

We went to High Lodge, Thetford, my parents came and they brought my niece and nephews, we rented a BBQ there and cooked up sausages and corn on the cobs. We then ventured through the the Gruffalo trail, which was a long stroll through the wood -it was fantastic I would recommend it to anyone visiting Thetford.

Thrigby zoo, just the two youngest wanted to go, and both Summer and Jacob loved it.  This is a small but great zoo, it allows you to get close to the animals (tigers, panther, crocodiles and many more) - they have walk over bridges and tunnels, all sorts of fun ways to get up close to the animals. 

Final week we started to get ready for school brought they kids uniforms and shoes etc.. (£300 bloody quid!!!) The cost was high due to Jacob starting school and Lewis moving up to secondary school, and Liam, well he had grown a lot over the holidays and needed new everything.