Back to school

Phew what a week.

A big week for my boys, the two oldest back to School, Liam as normal, year 10, but for Lewis it was his first day at secondary school, and with Lewis being a sensitive sole, he couldn't sleep for the two nights leading up to the big day, and then come the morning, he sobbed his heart out, panic came out of nowhere that he didn't do the home he was given on the introduction week before the summer holidays - that he never told me about.  I calmed him down advising him not to worry, and to apologise to the teacher and advise we will do it in the evening. He sobbed some more, and then his mates knocked on the door for him, but he asked me to take him on his first day.  He washed his face, settled down and we headed to school.


His big brother helping him with his tie.
We did do his home work that evening - it had to be a photo of him reading a book in an unusual place and then write a couple of paragraphs about the book - for his photo he wanted it on top of the shed.

Liam - no problems with him returning back to school, though his body clock is going to have to get used to getting up early again, after all the lazy mornings he had during the summer holidays, he has been struggling to get up - he is also like me in the mornings, rather grumpy.

Jacob - his first day at primary school, reception class, he was quite excited at first, but then I explained to him the school are doing the first three days as half days, and he doesn't get to take his packed lunch box in, which he was very disappointed about.

I picked Jacob up after the first day and he exclaimed "Mum I don't like it - none of the children would speak to me and I am not going back".  This is a brand new school for him, so he doesn't know any of the children, this is due to him not getting a place at the school where he went to nursery. However on the second day he started to make friends and he seemed much more happy about it.

Jacob's first day at primary school

P.S sadly, Liam being 14, thus a teenager, he will not allow me to take photos of him, otherwise I would have one of him on this post. 

Travelodge Thame - Inspiring Britain to Get Up and Go


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