Cracked Nails & Split Ends

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Summer is 2

We celebrated Summer's birthday the weekend, our little princess is now 2.

Summer woke-up with her normal big gorgeous smile and 'hello, love you' followed with a big cuddle and kiss.

 She wakes up earlier than the boys, so we had to wake the boys up, and she started off her birthday by opening a couple of cards, and then once the boys were up and ready, we started with the fun of Summer opening her presents up.

Summer is a massive Doc McStuffins fan and she was super pleased with all her Doc McStuffins toys - we were her patients all morning as she enjoyed role play with her new tools; she checked our eyes and ears with the otoscope and gave us pretend injections (though she thought it was a Calpol syringe at first).

The party started at 2pm, a family get together with a BBQ.

Everyone started coming around, which meant more presents, and more excitement for Summer - and she kept telling everyone 'my Birthday'.

With her great Aunt and dressed in her new Princess Sofia dress.
It was a nice day (no rain yay) so they kids played out in the garden, jumped on the trampoline, ran around chasing each other and just had a fantastic fun time.  

After food, next came the cake - she blew her candle out, and then everyone enjoyed a slice of cake - the whole cake went.

She had a fantastic day, with all the family around - lots of love, fun and laughter - just perfect.