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Review: Skinnies Eczema Clothing


Skinnies are designed to look good and feel great to wear but with a serious medical purpose in mind. Designed and manufactured from anti-irritant yarn with unique Seam-free technology.

My Story

Eczema is something I have suffered with all my life, when I was young I had it all over my body and on my scalp, however when I hit my 30s and for the first time I started to get eczema on my face. My face is the most unwelcome of places to have it, for cosmetic reasons, but I also find it is very painful - extremely itchy and stings when at its worst; probably due to the make-up I use to cover it up - a vicious circle for me - I won't go out unless my patchy red face is covered up, however the make-up irritates it and flares it up.

The rest of the eczema is down the sides of my body, starting just under my arms, down to the top of my hips, and my hips are where the eczema on my body is at its worst, very itchy. Though having it all my life I can almost ignore the itch and tingling most days, however when it is at its worst, that is when it becomes uncomfortable and hard to ignore; this is when I apply emollient on the affected areas for relief.

For this review, I was sent a Silk Skinnies short sleeve vest, a Silk Skinnies short, and a bottle of the Skinnies Laundry 


  • Seam-free technology - no more friction, less bulky and freedom to move.

  • Better body fit - more comfortable, extremely soft material.

  • Different colours available.

  • Been tested to withstand more than 50 washes for real durability.

  • Sanitized antimicrobial treatment.

  • No silver used.

  • Available not only in adult sizes but also in children sizes.

  • Machine washable and can even go in the tumble dryer.


The Skinnies vest and shorts are easy to use, just apply your emollient cream to your skin / affected area, and then put on the Skinnies garments. Working together, the emollient and the Skinnies vest/shorts kept my skin hydrated and moist, and it does help reduce inflammation.

Did I see an improvement? Yes definitely, the redness decreased, and the affected areas felt more comfortable, i.e. not so itchy.


If ever designed, I would even wear one over my face (like a balaclava, as Skinnies are that comfortable - anything to help clear my eczema from my face). Though Skinnies don't offer one for the face, the body ones they do offer are great - extremely comfortable and effective. I could even sleep with them on, which for someone who doesn't like fabrics/clothing irritating me and my skin, says a lot about how comfortable and wearable Skinnies are.  So if you suffer from eczema and need some relief, to give the affected areas that extra moisture needed and you use emollients. I would recommend you also use Skinnies, to give you that extra level of care and attention that may be needed.