Month in Review - July

Some quick facts for July: One of seven months with the length of 31 days, and it is the start of the second half of the year.
July is the second month of summer and meant to be the warmest month of the year.
The birthstone for July is the ruby, which symbolises contentment, and the birth flowers are the Larkspur or the Water Lily. The zodiac signs for the month of July are Cancer (until July 22) and Leo (July 23 onwards).
We have a few birthdays in July, my husbands, my nephews, and my best friends youngest son.
What we got up to in July:
My cousins birthday, we had a nice BBQ after school around my parents. Kids had tons of fun, they always do when they all get together. Hubby's birthday is the day after, that day we spent a quiet evening in and order a takeaway.
The boys had their sports day, Paul went to Jacob's as I worked, and both Paul and I went to Lewis's, Liam's no parents allowed (high school).
Lewis started Boxing club, Monday and Wednesday early evenings. He has been really keen to start boxing for month's now, way back last year, as he asked for a punch bag for Christmas, and my parents got him one, and boxing gloves, so he was really pleased he finally got started.
We went to BST Hyde Park, took my niece along as her and Lewis are best buds, and she loves Little Mix, and we got to see Little Mix on stage (they were fantastic). We had a great time, apart from loosing Summer's bottles, and dressing for cold weather as it was forecast to rain, but it turned out really hot, so we were sweltering.
The boys finished school, Lewis's last day at primary school before he moves up to secondary, and Jacob's last day at nursery. The start of the summer holidays!! yay term-time is out.
So we made lots of little days out, enjoying the hot weather (while it lasts) Fab day on the beach, down the park, playing in the pool in the garden etc.
A busy month, but a fun month.