Review: Zerreau Towel off Shampoo

 Zerreau towel off shampoo is an alternative shampoo and quite possibly a better option than using dry shampoo.

Zerreau is a new and unique type of shampoo, you can use it without having to wash the hair with water - "rinse free" = no water needed to apply or rinse it off. It is a light foam that spreads into the hair with ease and it is available in two fragrances: Apple or Strawberry. For this review we got to try out the Apple fragrance, which is a really light, refreshing scent.


  • No water needed
  • Leaves no white talc like marks in hair as dry shampoo can
  • Cleans the hair and just as effective as normal shampoo
  • Pump bottle rather than a spray
  • Pleasant fragrance
  • Paraben and alcohol free

It is very easy to use; pump some shampoo into the hand and rub thoroughly straight into dry hair (no need to wet it prior or after), starting from the roots, right down to the ends. It then works by lifting any dirt and grease out of the hair and once the hair is damp, all you need to do is give it a good rub with a towel, until your hair is dry. After a few minutes it is all done and you will have refreshed and clean hair.

First we tried it on Lewis, as you can see the pictures below - I was pleasantly surprised with the results, it really nourished Lewis's hair, cleaned it, and smoothed it out. In addition it was so quick and easy to use.

Also I have tried it out on my hair a couple of times now, and found it worked very well. After applying it, I gave my hair a good towel rub and I brushed it, to find my hair was clean, fresh smelling, soft and was left with a natural shine.  I was very pleased.

I would recommend this and it would be perfect for any campers, anyone travelling (on long trips) or festival goers, as the convenience this towel off shampoo offers is amazing.

The foam

Lewis hair before we applied Zerreau towel off shampoo

This is during where we had messaged in the foam into his hair, which was quickly absorbed.

This is after, the finished result.


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