SATs (Key Stage 2)
Key Stage 2 SATs are national tests and the children sit them towards the end of year 6 in preparation for their transition into secondary school. The SATs are a snapshot of your child's ability on the subjects, maths, english etc, the results forming part of their school record and will be used for their initial setting in some subjects.
The Key Stage 2 SATS are more formal than Key Stage 1 SATS (which
are taken in year 2) as they are marked by an external body. The tests involved
are English (SPaG: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and maths (mental arithmetic etc.), with the tests taken each day over 4 days within the same week.
I am really proud of Lewis, he tried his very best as always and that is all I can ask of him. He seems okay with his performance, but explained there were a couple of questions he didn't know. He also said he finished a bit early each time and took this time to double and triple check over his answers, which was positive to hear.
My tips with getting through SATs:
- Support and talk to your child, offer your child extra help with revision, but don't make a big deal out of them, with all the extra out of school classes for preparation for the SATs, you also don't want to push them too much at home.
- Lay of the pressure - of course encourage them positively, but do not put too much pressure on them, they will not only be dealing with the pressure they are putting on themselves, but also from the teachers and school - do they also need it from their parents?
- Keep it relaxed around the house and try not to give them any additional outside SATs tension leading up to the week and throughout the week.
- Keep everything around them happy and calm, stick to any routines i.e. out of school clubs etc..
- Try and take their mind of SATs, encourage them to do something they enjoy so they can relax and refresh, other than them just worrying about the tests.
- Congratulate your child's results no matter what they are, for me personally I feel they are too young and you don't want to put them off future exams - SATs are just primary school tests, and not GCSE's.