Cracked Nails & Split Ends

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Review: Gluco Tabs & Gluco Juice

As a parent to 4 children, and also working a full-time job from home, I have a very busy lifestyle, and unfortunately, recently I have been quite poorly and on a lot of medication - I have a painful trapped nerve in my neck.  It's a slow recovery, but I haven't had a good night's sleep in a few weeks, so my energy levels are very low at the moment, and I feel very tired throughout the day.  So this was a perfect opportunity for me to try out and review the Gluco tabs and juice.

GLUCO offer a range of natural energy, readily available when you need it most in either a juice bottle or a tablet form. A convenient and fast-acting way to give you natural energy on demand- Perfect for me.

GLUCO is a fast-acting glucose range full of only good stuff – They’re free of artificial nastiness, sodium or caffeine.

  • 4g glucose per tablet

  • GlucoJuice provides a measured dose of 15g Glucose

  • Free from gluten, sodium and caffeine

  • Suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets

The Gluco juice had a nice fruity flavour, though I did find the after taste a bit sticky, like I had just consumed sugar, but I suppose that is what you should expect.  Did it give me energy, yes for a few hours it did 'pick me up'. It was a helpful and great way to boost my energy when needed.  The tablets were more like sweets and tasted nice, I was very pleasantly surprised by them and much preferred these.

The tubes they come in are a neat little size, perfect to keep in a handbag for example. They tablets are available in different flavours: Blueberry, Tangy orange, Zesty lemon & lime and Raspberry.  I have tried raspberry, but I am definitely interested in trying out the blueberry flavour. The juice comes in a Very berry flavour.

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I much prefer the tablets to the juice, but that is my personal preference- I would recommend giving both a try as you may like one or the other or both. These past couple of weeks, when I have had important meetings with work, and I've just felt so tired and low I have been using the Gluco tablet and I have genuinely found they picked my energy levels up, I will be buying these in the near future.

Disclaimer: I was sent a bottle and the tabs from the Gluco range for the purpose of this review. All opinions are completely honest and my own.