Feeling trapped with a trapped nerve

I am feeling rather sorry for myself and a bit fed up.
Last Thursday I woke up with horrible neck pain and sharp pain down my left arm, it was so bad I actually rang the doctors - and that says a lot as I am always reluctant to go to the doctors.
I went along and he confirmed I had a trapped nerve, the doctor prescribe me Naproxin and co-codamol, however the co-codamol was cheaper for me to buy over the counter, rather than paying for the prescription.
by the weekend the pain was getting worse, and on Sunday morning I woke up in excruciating pain, It crippled me and I couldn't get comfortable, I paced the room trying to get some relief and wait for the pain killers to work, but they didn't. I rang the out of hours and an appointment was booked for me. I went along and the doctor prescribed me Tramadol, but he advised me that if the Tramadol doesn't suppress the pain within 4 to 6 hours then I need to go straight to A&E.
It didn't suppress the pain, but I really didn't want to go to A&E, hubby wasn't happy with my decision, but I asked him to give it overnight to see how I get on, and he very reluctantly agreed.
Come Monday morning I woke up in huge pain again, and Hubby took one look at me, and told me he is taking me up A&E, this time I didn't argue. He got the kids ready and we dropped them off around my parents, and went straight up to A&E. I really wasn't looking forward to sitting in A&E, in a chair for god knows how many hours.
After an hour and a half wait I finally got to see the doctor and explained all they could do was try and control the pain and give me some relief - he prescribe me Gabaton specifically for nerve pain and explained it does take 3 to 4 days to come into effect, they also prescribe me Oramorph - liquid morphine. I have also been wearing heat patches, which offer a bit of comfort.
So this past week has been exhausting, I am exhausted from the pain, and fed up. Tomorrow hubby booked me in to see a Chiropractic, which I am nervous about.
Family have been great this past week helping to look after the kids, Paul took Monday off, his Mum came round all day on Tuesday, and then Wednesday my parents had Jacob and Summer. Mother in law and auntie in law were round all day Thursday etc. My sister has been doing the school runs picking up Lewis, and dropping him off. Liam walks with his mates to high school, but unfortunately he has been poorly and off school all week with flu.
This has never happened to me before, and I really do not understand where it came from, or what brought it on. I have never taken so many tablets before and such strong pain killers - each evening I throw up. The pain is still there but the pain killers do make it more comfortable for me. I am really hoping I will recover soon, I am so fed up.