Review: La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo

I have been trying out the Roche Posay Effaclar Duo,  40ml. Unfortunately I suffer with problem skin, spots, eczema and I have even had a boil on my chin. I routinely do the three step system for cleaning my face (twice a day) - cleanse, tone and moisturiser and have done for years, however I have sensitive skin, and have to be really careful what I use on my face, many products unfortunately cause my skin to flare up and even make my face very sore. 

I don't have acne but I do suffer from the monthly hormonal breakouts especially around my chin area. Since I had my last child 4 years ago, my skin has been the worse it has ever been, spots, redness, soreness, dry patches. When I finally went to see the doctor he advised it was eczema, which I was shocked to hear, I never once assumed it would be eczema. He prescribe me cream and advised me to use it moderately as it can damage the skin by thinning it out - being a steroid cream. The moisturiser I use is okay, but I do still have flare ups, especially around the monthly hormonal breakouts, and I have never been able to find a cream that prevents my breakouts, without flaring up my eczema (even burning my skin).

So when I was contact by Escentual to try out the La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo, I first did some research (I really did not want to do a review on a product that could flare my skin up, knowing how sensitive it is) and the more I read the more I wanted to try it. Could this really be the cream that has the balance to control my skin?  YES, I am officially in love with La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo (and it is a lot cheaper than the expensive creams I have been using for years).  I cannot express how happy I am with this cream, I have been using it for 4 weeks now, and the whole tube is used - I wanted to use it all before I wrote my review to make sure I gained the full experience.

The cream goes on really smoothly and doesn't feel too sticky or thick on my skin, it melts in instantly and leaves a matt like finish feeling.  I couldn't stop feeling my skin, it has not felt this smooth in a long time. When I first started using it, it broke me out in spots and slight redness, which I read a number of people experienced, it lasts maybe a week, so I persevered which paid off. After the first week my skin became a lot clearer with only the odd blemish, but it clears up a lot quicker.  

When you first apply it on your skin, on the areas that are spotty you feel a slight tingling sensation, and you do only need a tiny bit, as a little goes a long way. It has cleared my skin really well, and my skins looks and feels the best it has been a long while, I would highly recommend La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo and I will be trying out other products from the same range.

Disclaimer: I was sent a tube of La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own.


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