Cracked Nails & Split Ends

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Halloween 2013

We love Halloween in this house, and we always get in the spirit of it. We decorate our house - inside and out- our decorations have grown over the years, as we discover new exciting stuff to buy in the stores each year. I love the decorating part, it is so much fun and seeing the kids getting excited, as they all muck in and help as well.

Every year we throw a Halloween party in our home, friends and family come along, and the house gets crazy with screaming kids running around, we play games and amidst the madness the door bell is ringing every couple of minutes with Trick or Treaters!  Why do we do a party; spending hours decorating, for one evening? It's for the little ones, especially Jacob and my nephew, who both don't like going out trick or treating, as they get scared, so they miss out on this, but we make up for it in the house, and they still get to experience Halloween fun.   

Friends and Family turned up (early - because the kids were so excited to come around) and the party began 4.30pm.  First some of the adults took the kids our trick or treating, and when they came home we had chilli hot dogs and jacket potatoes. There was also lots of Knick-Knacks available as well; salad, cheese and pineapple, toffee apples, and all sorts.  There was lots of play and fun time, to keep the kids occupied and happy. 

Armed with a huge tub of sweets we all help to answer the door throughout the evening - this year we purchased a plastic Halloween themed cauldron, which has a sensor on it and every time someone goes near it to take a sweat, a skeleton hand comes out and it makes a spooky noise! this went down really well!  

We finally wrapped up with exhausted children just before 8pm.

We had so much fun this year, and we are looking forward to the Halloween 2014!.