Space saving storage lockers

Action Storage gave us the fun and creative challenge to create our very own space saving storage hacks for Jacob's locker. We were sent one of Action Storages lockers along  with a Hobbycraft voucher to buy space saving materials.

These lockers for schools can also be lockers for your kids bedrooms, or playroom etc.  

They are amazing for storage anyhow, and ours fits nicely behind the boys bedroom room door next to the wardrobe - which was previously redundant space, as it was so narrow, but this locker sits perfectly there, giving the boys more storage. Jacob has the top locker and Lewis the bottom, they want to use it to store their Xbox games and books.

Jacob wanted to keep in line with 'space' thus we headed to Hobbycraft looking for anything we could find that was space theme related, we bought spaceman stickers, black felt, little buckets, planets etc. He also wanted his and his brothers names above each locker door, hence we picked up some alphabet sticker pack.

We added one LED auto sensor light and some chalkboard paper.

These lockers look pretty cool.. but to make the side of the locker that was currently non-functional, functional we applied chalkboard paper from top to bottom, giving Jacob his very own chalkboard in his bedroom.  Using chalk pens he can draw pictures and write messages to his little heart's content.

Inside we stuck the LED auto-sensor light on the top - every time he opens his locker door the light switches on - how cool is that?! It allows him to see more clearly in the locker, especially at nighttime.

Jacob then got on to decorating inside his locker, using the 'space' stickers he bought.  And, we started to hang the little (cute) planets on the top of the inside of his locker, around the LED light.

He then placed his name and his current age above his locker door, securing that as his locker. But, how cool does the inside of his locker look? It's safe to say he was pretty chuffed with the finished effect.

On the top of the locker, we stuck in each corner little black buckets - perfect for him to place his chalk pens, crayons and other bits and bobs.

Jacob is super pleased with this Space Saving Storage Locker - he put a lot of love and attention into decorating it and making it more functional. He stores his Xbox games and his favourite books inside, pens and other bits, and on the outside he leaves messages or just scribbles on the chalkboard, and he stores his chalk pens in the buckets on the top. His Space Saving Storage Locker works great in his bedroom and looks too cool for school.


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