My Son Turned 13

Happy Birthday to my son and a very special birthday at that! Thirteen is a milestone.

Just over a week ago my second son, my little man celebrated his 13th Birthday. That means I now have two teenagers - how old does that make me feel

As I continue to enjoy every single moment watching him grow into a lovely young man, he is a growing lad, stuck between a phase of being a little boy and beginnings of becoming a young man as he becomes a teenager. He no longer orders from the children's menu, we now shop in the men's department for him and he has his first shave recently.  But he is still growing, still developing and he still has a way to go before he becomes a mature man - all too quickly and too soon.

From birth to thirteen has seen sleepless nights, first steps, coughs, colds, trips to the hospital, tears. laughter and so much more.  Over the past thirteen year's I've watched him grow and develop from a baby to toddler to tween and now to a teenager. And, this is now the phase that makes me gulp, this is the phase where the next milestone will be when you become a man and mature fully. It's exciting but also scary.  

You already have plans, and goals - you are already focused and no matter what you make of your life, as long as you remain happy and healthy that is all I want for you. I will always be here for you no matter what. I will always love you.



Dear father of the boy that....


Twirlywoos Magazine