Cracked Nails & Split Ends

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To Vape Or Not To Vape

I haven't smoked in over 10 years, I consider myself as lucky, I was able to just quit and since then I've never looked back - it was the best thing I ever did and I did it not only for me but for my children. I had started smoking when I was a teen, secretly and behind my parents back, I used to take all the measures to disguise my smoking habit, but it was my little sister that grassed me up in the end - and I got in rather a lot of trouble, but this didn't deter me, and I continued to smoke well into my mid twenties.

Since I quit friends and family that do smoke continued. Then vaping hit the markets and it grew in popularity and more and more people around me started turning to vaping and turning away from smoking cigarettes. Their motivations and reasons are different, from wanting to quit the cigarette, or because vaping simply is hell of a lot cheaper, or they can vape inside without causing too much of a stink.

Speaking to my teenage son recently I was surprised to discover that some of his friends and other students are vaping, it made me think, are students picking up on the vaping trend, and choosing to vape rather than smoking cigarettes? I am not sure...

Is this the e-cigarette / vaping generation? and is it a good thing?  

Well, I wish I had the option when I was a teen. Vaping would have done wonders for my health (not destroying my lungs) over the years and would have saved enough money to buy a small house. It isn't the best thing, but it's a lot better than smoking. And a subset of kids are always going to do that thing they are told not to. - if not vaping, they most likely would be smoking. 

As smoking is subject to regulation and social pressure, discovering and taking up smoking makes sense for teenagers to gravitate towards vaping instead of smoking due to the social stigma cigarettes have now-a-days.